# (decoded with TMPL 135) NumErrs: (37 entries) 0: Error: 12001 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrUnknown' Description: 'An obscure or unexpected problem occurred beyond the realm of simple diagnosis.' 1: Error: 12002 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrFatalExit' Description: 'Dire Straits!' 2: Error: 12003 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrSystemExit' Description: 'A non-recoverable error has occurred.' 3: Error: 12004 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrNoResDefs' Description: 'The internal defaults resource cannot be found, perhaps due to programmer error.' 4: Error: 12005 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrBadResDefs' Description: 'The internal defaults resource appears to be outdated or corrupt.' 5: Error: 12006 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrOldROMs' Description: 'System hardware obsolete, 128K ROMs or later required.' 6: Error: 12007 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrOldSysVers' Description: 'System software version obsolete, System 6.0.7 or later required.' 7: Error: 12008 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrNo8BitCQD' Description: 'Color Quickdraw required.' 8: Error: 12009 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrNo32BitCQD' Description: '32-bit Color Quickdraw required.' 9: Error: 12010 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrBadPrefs' Description: 'The ÒSimDemoª PrefsÓ file appears to be outdated or corrupt. The default options will be used instead.' 10: Error: 12011 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrBadResPrefs' Description: 'The internal preferences resource appears to be outdated or corrupt.' 11: Error: 12012 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrBadResWind' Description: 'A window or dialog resource appears to be corrupt, outdated, or perhaps missing altogether.' 12: Error: 12013 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrNoNewWind' Description: 'A window cannot be opened, perhaps due to lack of memory.' 13: Error: 12014 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrMissingRes' Description: 'A required program resource cannot be found or loaded.' 14: Error: 12015 HelpID: 2 ConstName : 'kErrBadBetaRsrc' Description: 'Beta Fubar.' 15: Error: 12016 HelpID: 2 ConstName : 'kErrAlteredBeta' Description: 'Beta Altered.' 16: Error: 12017 HelpID: 2 ConstName : 'kErrBetaExpired' Description: 'Beta Expired.' 17: Error: 12018 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrWindowSize' Description: 'Insufficient memory to resize window to full size of monitor.' 18: Error: 12019 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrResetMonitor' Description: 'Unable to change monitor settings from application automatically, please set manually.' 19: Error: 12020 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrUnsupportedGfxMode' Description: 'This program requires a graphics mode that this computer does not appear to support.' 20: Error: 12021 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrFileReqCancel' Description: 'File request canceled.' 21: Error: 12022 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrNoFileRecPtr' Description: 'Bad file data detected, perhaps due to low memory or more serious file problems.' 22: Error: 12023 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrNoHandleSent' Description: 'An unexpected NULL Handle was sent to a function, perhaps due to low memory.' 23: Error: 12024 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrNoPtrSent' Description: 'An unexpected NULL Pointer was sent to a function, perhaps due to low memory.' 24: Error: 12025 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrNoNewGWorld' Description: 'Insufficient memory to create a new offscreen graphics world.' 25: Error: 12026 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrMsgNullObject' Description: 'A message was sent to a NULL or odd object.' 26: Error: 12027 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrMsgLookupFailed' Description: 'A method lookup failed, perhaps due to a bad cast or disposed object.' 27: Error: 12028 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrNewByNameFailed' Description: 'Function new_by_name was called for a unknown class.' 28: Error: 12029 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrPrintJobTooBig' Description: 'There are too many pages too print.' 29: Error: 12030 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrExceedTELimit' Description: 'The TextEdit buffer cannot hold any more characters.' 30: Error: 12031 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrDLOGNotFound' Description: 'A required dialog resource is missing or misnumbered.' 31: Error: 12032 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrPICTNotFound' Description: 'A required picture resource is missing or misnumbered.' 32: Error: 12033 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrSLIDNotFound' Description: 'The slide show resource is missing or misnumbered.' 33: Error: 12034 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrSNGLNotFound' Description: 'A required song list resource is missing or misnumbered.' 34: Error: 12035 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrSONGNotFound' Description: 'A required song resource is missing or misnumbered.' 35: Error: 12036 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrTEXTNotFound' Description: 'A required text resource is missing or misnumbered.' 36: Error: 12037 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'kErrSlideUnknownCmd' Description: 'Unknown or possibly misspelled slide show command.'